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contoh kalimat faroe islands

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  • "Germany 2–1 Faroe Islands".
    Diakses tanggal 27 Agustus 2015. ^ "Germany 2–1 Faroe Islands".
  • Faroe Islands Ferry Passenger and Car Ferry Tickets
    Faroe Islands Ferry Penumpang dan Kereta Feri Tiket
  • Faroe Islands Ferry Passenger and Car Ferry Tickets
    Penumpang Faroe Islands Ferry dan Tiket Car Ferry
  • Send money to Faroe Islands with desktop
    Kirim uang ke to Faroe Islands melalui desktop
  • Faroe Islands Ferry offers fantastic fares to and from Torshaven, Hirtshals or Seysdisfjordur with Smyril Line ferries ferry ports.
    Faroe Islands Ferry menawarkan tambang hebat ke dan dari Torshaven, Hirtshals atau Seysdisfjordur dengan Smyril Line pelabuhan feri feri.
  • Faroe Islands Ferry offers fantastic fares to and from Torshaven, Hirtshals or Seysdisfjordur with Smyril Line ferries ferry ports.
    Faroe Islands Ferry menawarkan tarif yang fantastis untuk dan dari Torshaven, Hirtshals atau Seysdisfjordur dengan Smyril Jalur port feri feri.
  • If are travelling to Torshaven, Hirtshals or Seysdisfjordur with Smyril Line ferries then book a ferry crossing with Faroe Islands Ferry and arrive at your destination refreshed, relaxed and happy.
    Jika bepergian ke Torshaven, Hirtshals atau Seysdisfjordur dengan feri Smyril Jalur lalu pesan penyeberangan feri dengan Faroe Islands Ferry dan tiba di tujuan Anda segar, santai dan bahagia.
  • Ticket Prices & Reservations Book Faroe Islands Ferry tickets to and from Torshaven, Hirtshals or Seysdisfjordur with Smyril Line ferries online in advance to enjoy the cheapest available ferry ticket price.
    Harga tiket & Reservasi memesan tiket Faroe Islands Ferry ke dan dari Torshaven, Hirtshals atau Seysdisfjordur dengan Smyril Jalur feri online di muka untuk menikmati harga tiket yang tersedia feri termurah.
  • Open an account, claim your free card, and use the step-by-step instructions below to send money to Faroe Islands anytime, anywhere you want! With Wirex, your money will arrive to Faroe Islands in just a few seconds.
    Buat akun Anda, miliki kartu gratis, dan gunakan petunjuk langkah demi langkah di bawah untuk mengirim uang to Faroe Islands kapan pun, di mana pun Anda mau! Bersama Wirex, uang Anda akan tiba to Faroe Islands hanya dalam beberapa detik.
  • Open an account, claim your free card, and use the step-by-step instructions below to send money to Faroe Islands anytime, anywhere you want! With Wirex, your money will arrive to Faroe Islands in just a few seconds.
    Buat akun Anda, miliki kartu gratis, dan gunakan petunjuk langkah demi langkah di bawah untuk mengirim uang to Faroe Islands kapan pun, di mana pun Anda mau! Bersama Wirex, uang Anda akan tiba to Faroe Islands hanya dalam beberapa detik.